Saturday, June 6, 2009

My problem solving, economy saving, life as an adult

A busy busy week leaves very little time for writing. However this extremely busy week has generated several amusing stories in my failed attempts at being an adult.

I thought I had been doing really well to remember all of the little things that I needed to gather, send out, change, and all that other good stuff. I've been finishing up the last few loose ends this week and ran into a very important forgotten item. I never picked up any stamps. Oh well, big deal, right? I go to the store the next day and buy some stamps. I spend most of the evening being all snazy and responsible. As I'm finishing up all of the documents that need to be mailed, I realize I never thought to get any envelopes. So attempt number two at mailing things=FAIL. I was quickly coming up on three strikes here. Luckily, I know some resourceful people at work who rounded me up some envelopes the next morning, so at least everything got mailed out on time.

Laundry also became a very interesting ordeal. I figured that since every other location I've washed clothes at had fairly modern machinery that I would be dealing with similar equipment once I moved into this building. Low and behold, the machines in the laundry room are straight out of the 70's. They might as well be antiques. So I was completely illequiped. The first issue--fabric softener. I am a huge fabric softener fan. I want every article of my clothing to smell like mountain rain and lilacs damn it! Well these machines didn't have one of those handy dandy fabric soften dispensers. I had to wait until the rinse cycle, and of course...I missed it. (I went out and bought a Downy ball so this would never happen again.) I moved my clothes into the nearest dryer, and since every other commercial dryer I've used gets way too hot, I turned the heat down a notch. When I returned to retrieve my clothes, not a single item was even close to dry. At that point, I definitely decided that I wanted my mommy back, and she definitely appreciated hearing that in the morning.

The last few days have definitely brought some fun with them too. We spent last night out by Kelly and EJ moving them into their new apartment. It is very nice to have them back in the midwest. This evening, we definitely did our share of economic stimulation at Target. In gathering up all of the things that we definitely still "needed," we managed to spend more money at Target than I think we have ever spent before. And to make ourselves feel better about it, we split it up between both of our debit cards :-) The way I see it, we are just doing our part to make the world a better place, but instead of saving the rain forest, I am determined to single-handedly save the economy.

1 comment:

Kelly Jensen said...

I hear you on stimulating the economy. Ever since we moved back it seems like our local walmart, the local mall, and, well, the local car dealership, have all felt the economic vibrator :)